IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photofacial in Eastvale, CA

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What Is IPL?

Women and men who struggle with the appearance of dark spots or sun damage in their complexion could be ideal candidates for intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments at Serene Aesthetics & Med Spa. A photofacial with IPL is a rejuvenating treatment for pigmentation problems on the face and neck. A member of our team sends intense pulses of light to set off the natural healing process and boost collagen production. As the added nutrients take effect, you should notice a healthier appearance, a more even tone, and decreased areas of hyperpigmentation. Though a photofacial is a noninvasive procedure, it can be highly effective and can produce impressive results for your complexion. Our Eastvale, CA staff utilizes the Harmony XL PRO laser from Alma to complete IPL therapy and can provide a skin examination to see if this service can help renew your skin.


How much does IPL cost?
Your complexion issues are unique so the cost of a photofacial will depend on your specific condition. Serene Aesthetics & Med Spa runs specials on treatments, like IPL therapy, at times, and we take an array of convenient payment solutions. During your initial consultation, your technician can help estimate your cost and determine the number of appointments needed to maximize your results.
How quick are the results from IPL?
Visible improvements can usually be experienced after one Harmony XL PRO IPL treatment, but optimal results typically develop about one month after your last treatment. It’s common for patients to respond differently to every treatment. You will likely notice an incremental improvement in blotchiness, redness, and spots (age, brown, and sun) as time goes on.
What are the possible side effects of IPL?
Most women and men notice minor side effects, such as temporary redness, swelling, crusting, bruising, or blisters. However, these effects should naturally subside within a day or two after the procedure. You will be extra sensitive to the sun, and excessive exposure to damaging UV rays will negatively impact your results. You should also wear sunscreen to help avoid skin problems, like sun spots and redness.
Do I need to prep for IPL?
Eastvale, CA patients preparing to receive IPL therapy are usually asked to skip self-tanners and sun exposure for about 2 – 4 weeks prior to the appointment. You might need to discontinue the use of Retin-A/Renova, tetracycline, minocycline, and doxycycline several days before each appointment, and we may recommend that you avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications and blood thinners for 5 – 7 days before the treatment to decrease your risk of bruising. You should also use sunscreen.
Why should I get multiple IPL sessions?
Multiple IPL treatments are better to produce gradual, natural-looking enhancements in your complexion. Each session will help to reduce spots and other surface irregularities. A series of treatments also produce longer-lasting aesthetic outcomes.


Review from M.S.

"Dr. Naser Azar and his staff have been outstandingly. They were recommend 2 me. successful providing care for many friends thru the years. I believe u will be pleased too."

Review from M.H.

"Dr Azar one of the best doctors I have ever seen so far,extremely knowledgeable and patient he will spend all the time you need with you great staff and on task"

Review from Anonymous

"I always get the best care there."